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Childcare sector left out of new coronavirus relief measures

By Rachel LawlerReading to toddler

The government has failed to offer any new support for childcare providers in the latest emergency financial measures designed to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

The Chancellor announced a series of new measures to support businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure industries but made no mention of the childcare and early years sector.

Measures announced include £330 billion in financial support for businesses in the listed sectors, an extended break from business rates and help for small companies without insurance. The government also said there would be financial support for struggling airlines.

The Chancellor added that the government was willing to offer further support if the measures did not go far enough.

Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Alliance, commented: "We are disappointed and frustrated that the measures announced by the Chancellor today on business rates were yet again restricted to the retail, hospitality and leisure industries, with no mention of the childcare sector.

"While we recognise that business rates are only one piece of the puzzle, extending rate relief to the early years sector would have given those providers who pay rates – and particularly those who are more reliant on parental fees – some much-needed breathing room at an incredibly difficult time.

"Given the Chancellor has said that these arrangements will be constantly under review, we hope that this omission will be rectified as soon as possible."

Find out more
How to talk to children about coronavirus