

Early years underrepresented on schools forums

Under 5 news
Alliance research shows that PVI providers are underrepresented on local authority schools forums
Research has revealed that 70% of schools forums in England have just one representative from the PVI sector...Read more
House of commons; hung parliament; parliament

Alliance publishes guide to hung parliaments

With the news that both the Conservative and Labour parties have failed to achieve absolute majorities, the general election has officially ended in a hung parliament.
But what is a hung parliament, and what happens...Read more

Hung parliament confirmed following general election

Under 5 news
No party has won an overall majority in the 2017 general election, resulting in a hung parliament, it has been confirmed.
The Conservative Party had widely been expected to win comfortably, with some polls...Read more

Update of EYFS

PDN News

In March 2017 the DfE published a revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework – the third revision to the original 2008 edition. The revised EYFS (DfE 2017) incorporates new legislation and statutory guidance introduced since...Read more

Department of Education Workforce Strategy

PDN News

In March the DfE published the Early Years Workforce Strategy. The main focus of attention has been on the decision to amend the current regulatory requirement that anyone holding the Early Years Educator qualification must also hold GCSE Maths...Read more
