Alliance comments on government response to childcare ratios petition
In response to the to the official e-petition against the relaxation of ratios in early years setting in England. Neil Leitch, CEO of the Early Years Alliance, said:
“The government’s rationale for relaxing ratios keeps changing. First, it was to provide ‘cheaper childcare’ to parents. Now it’s to provide greater autonomy and flexibility to providers. But at no point has there been any discussion about what is best for children.
"After two years of pandemic restrictions, young children need more individual care and attention than ever before - so how can the government possibly justify giving them less? And all this at a time when the government is pledging to ensure that all children with SEND get the best possible start in life too.
"While we know that most providers would be unlikely to make any changes to their ratios whether or not the rules change, the fact is that those children attending the minority of settings that might would see the quality of care and education they receive decline - and we as an organisation simply cannot sit by and watch that happen.
"There are so many ways in which the government could support early years providers to deliver the quality, affordable care and education families need. Wasting time on ratios is not one of them."