Alliance comments on Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results

16th October 2014

The Pre-school Learning Alliance has welcomed the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results for 2013 - 14, which show that the number of children achieving a good level of development by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) has increased from 52% to 60%.

Commenting on the statistics, Alliance chief executive Neil Leitch said:

“We are encouraged to see such a marked improvement in the EYFS Profile results. Despite the challenges currently facing the sector, early years providers continue to strive to deliver high-quality early learning opportunities that support young children across all areas of development.

“Clearly, there is still work to be done. Outcomes continue to vary between different areas of learning, while boys are still less likely to achieve a good level of development than girls - though we are pleased to see that this gap is narrowing in most areas.

“It is important that this work is driven by sector professionals, who have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of early child development. As such, we would encourage the Department for Education to actively engage with the sector to ensure that this positive trend continues, and we look forward to working with the new minister and his team going forward to reach our shared goal of achieving positive early outcomes for all children."

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Notes for editors

  1. The Pre-school Learning Alliance is the largest voluntary sector provider of quality affordable childcare and education in England.
  2. Through direct provision and its membership of 14,000 nurseries, sessional pre-schools and parent and toddler groups, the Alliance supports over 800,000 children and their families in England. The Alliance also develops and runs family learning programmes, offers information and advice, runs acclaimed training and accreditation programmes and campaigns to influence early years policy and practice.
  3. For information about the Pre-school Learning Alliance, visit our website:

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