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Nearly nine in 10 parents of under-fives worried for their children’s future life chances, survey reveals

By Shannon Pite

Parents of young children are not getting the support they need to give children the best possible start in life, new research from children’s charity UNICEF UK has warned.

According to a survey conducted by the charity, 87% of parents of babies, toddlers and children under five saying that they are worried about their children's future life chances, with 66% warning that the cost-of-living crisis had negatively impacted their family, and 63% reporting that they are struggling with their mental health while being a parent.

The report also found that 62% of parents surveyed say that childcare is one of the biggest challenges facing parents, while 25% have had to borrow money/gone into debt to make ends meet/pay for essentials.

UNICEF UK is calling on the new government to do more for young families and commit to a National Baby and Toddler Guarantee, which would mean every baby, toddler, and child under five years gets the support and services they need to thrive in their earliest years and beyond. This would include:

  • Increasing financial support to families, including ending the two-child limit and removing the benefits cap,
  • Guaranteeing every child a place in a local, affordable, and quality early education and care setting,
  •  Ensuring every parent with a young child can access mental health support when they need it.

Commenting, Joanna Rea, director of advocacy for the UNICEF UK said: “Investment in children, families, and the early years sector will not only transform the lives of millions living on low incomes, helping children to get a fair start in life that sets them up with the skills they need to succeed, but it will also benefit all children and everyone in society.

“Childhood lasts a lifetime. It is the early years when we have the best chance to set children up with the skills they need to succeed in life, and why it is so important for the Government and society to support parents and help provide the best childhood for everyone, no matter who they are, or where they are born.”