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Alliance and other sector voices join Parliamentary pressure group

All Party Parliamentary Group aims to support early years sector
A group of early years providers and representatives, including the Pre-school Learning Alliance, has announced plans to start an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) as part of a cross-sector bid to help raise government awareness about issues surrounding early years.
The planned APPG was launched by Cheryl Hadland, founder of Tops Day Nurseries, and will support nurseries, pre-schools and childminders to raise concerns about the PVI early years sector in parliament. APPGs include members of both the House of Commons and House of Lords who hold discussions with campaign groups and charities on a particular topic. They have no official status in parliament but allow interested parties a chance to share their views on a topic with MPs.
The Alliance, along with other organisations, has agreed to back the group as a sponsor. The APPG is asking other co-sponsors to join, with the aim of being ready to start work when a new parliament opens shortly after the general election in June.
Neil Leitch, chief executive of the Alliance, commented: “Establishing an APPG will be an important and welcome step towards ensuring that the views of the sector – and in particular, private and voluntary providers – are heard at the highest level”
Neil added: “From the Rewind on Ratios campaign to the recent victory over the Level 3 GCSE rule, we’ve seen how effective our sector can be when we work together. As as an organisation representing pre-schools, nurseries and childminders from across the country, the Alliance is excited to be a founding partner of this important cross-sector initiative."
Hadland said: “I believe there is a lot of potential for an APPG on early education and childcare to create a positive dialogue with the government about issues facing our sector, and for those involved to build strong relationships with key MPs and peers who can speak up on our behalf.”