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Pat Glass steps down as shadow education secretary

Labour MP Pat Glass has stepped down as shadow education secretary, after only two days in the role.
Pat was appointed by Jeremy Corbyn during a surge of resignations by Labour MPs who have lost faith in their leader, which also included shadow childcare minister Jenny Chapman.
In a tweet to her followers today, Pat said that she had made the decision to exit the role with a “heavy heart” and that it had been her “dream job but the situation is untenable”.
Pat had also said earlier this week that she would be stepping down as an MP at the next election.
“We are sorry to see Pat Glass leave the post of shadow education secretary so soon after her appointment,” said Neil Leitch, chief executive at the Alliance.
“As someone with a wealth of experience in childcare and education, we would have welcomed her input into the early years debate. That said, we of course understand and respect her reasons for taking this decision.”
Neil added that it is now concerning that there is no shadow education or childcare minister in place.
“With the roll-out of the 30-hours free entitlement offer drawing ever closer, and the pilot scheme due to begin in a matter of months, it is vital that parties from across the political spectrum are involved in the development and scrutiny of this policy. As it stands, this is not possible.”