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Headteachers call for more early years funding

The National Association of Headteachers (NAHT) called for better funding and status for the early years sector at its annual conference in Birmingham last weekend.
The school leaders’ union said that existing funding for the early years sector is not sufficient, making it particularly difficult to support young children in disadvantaged areas.
“Funding for early years education in general is insufficient and our members report that it often fails to cover the full cost of delivering the provision,” said Russell Hobby, NAHT general secretary.
“We need to see an increase in early years funding, based on a clear, transparent and consistent national funding framework.”
The existing early years pupil premium is a maximum of £302 per pupil per year, but the NAHT has called for this to increase to £1,300; the rate for primary schools pupils.
Hobby also called for greater emphasis on staff quality and qualifications in the sector.
“School leaders recognise that early years education is the critical point for intervention to improve the life chances of children from disadvantaged backgrounds,” Hobby said.
“But the quality of provision makes all the difference in whether that intervention is successful.”