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Consultation on childcarer disqualification rules excludes childminders

A new government consultation on the changes to disqualification arrangements for childcare workers will apply only to schools and non-domestic registered settings.
The government plans to revise arrangements for those disqualified from working with children because they live with a disqualified person.
“The current rules around disqualification by association can create significant and sometimes unnecessary challenges for early years providers, so we warmly welcome the move to consult with the sector on a fairer regulatory system,” said Neil Leitch, chief executive at the Pre-school Learning Alliance.
“As with all early years issues, it is important that the wellbeing of the child is at the centre of any changes, and so it is important that the DfE balances this with the need for a more proportionate approach to this issue.”
The consultation will set out three separate options for changing these arrangement, but is not proposing to make any changes to the arrangements where childcare is provided on domestic premises.
“While we recognise that there are key differences between domestic and non-domestic settings, and that this will inevitably have an impact on the way that disqualification by association rules should be applied, this is not a reason to exclude childminders from the scope of the consultation completely,” Neil added.
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