Alliance concerned about Apprenticeship framework changes

4th August 2014

The Pre-school Learning Alliance expressed concern about the likely impact on the childcare workforce

The Pre-school Learning Alliance expressed concern about the likely impact on the childcare workforce after the Skills for Care’s announcement last Friday regarding the Apprenticeship framework for Children and Young People’s Workforce entry requirements which now requires English and maths GCSE grades A* - C.

Michael Freeston, Director of Quality Improvement, commented today:

“We believe that recruiting more suitable people to the sector is now likely to become even more difficult. At a time when the sector is struggling to recruit and retain a skilled workforce, it is concerning that potential childcare workers are being excluded from the apprenticeship scheme. There are many potential candidates who are able to demonstrate the necessary skills and abilities to become excellent childcare practitioners however now need to overcome an additional barrier or obstacle to accessing suitable training.

“There is no reason why learners cannot improve their capability in maths and English skills as they work through the Apprenticeship framework.”

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Notes for editors

  1. The Pre-school Learning Alliance is the largest voluntary sector provider of quality affordable childcare and education in England.
  2. Through direct provision and its membership of 14,000 nurseries, sessional pre-schools and parent and toddler groups, the Alliance supports over 800,000 children and their families in England. The Alliance also develops and runs family learning programmes, offers information and advice, runs acclaimed training and accreditation programmes and campaigns to influence early years policy and practice.
  3. For information about the Pre-school Learning Alliance, visit our website:

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