Alliance calls for inclusion of early years in school reopening announcement

Commenting, Neil Leitch, Early Years Alliance chief executive said:

"While the government continues to debate whether it is safe to reopen primary schools, secondary schools and colleges in January, very little has been about the early years sector and whether or not concerns over the increased spread of the virus will impact on the ability of nurseries and childminders to remain open to all children.

"We know that the data shows that the transmission of the virus within early years settings is not the same as its spread in primary or secondary schools. With more than a million young children accessing early education, it is vital that the government takes the time to consider the best, safest and most appropriate route forward for the early years, rather than simply tacking the sector onto whatever decision is made for schools.

"What more, it’s important to remember that unlike schools, early years providers are significantly reliant on private parental fees to survive. At a time when many childcare settings are struggling to keep their heads above water, any decisions to delay the reopening of setting is likely to place severe pressure on provider finances.

"It is of course vital that whatever decisions the government take are based on what is right for the country as a whole, but early years providers must not be left in the dark until the last minute as has been the case so many times throughout this pandemic – and if any restrictions are placed on their ability to open to all children, the government must ensure that the significant financial support that many providers will need to survive is made available as a matter of priority."